Saturday, January 2, 2010

Trip to Genting :O

Only a few hours of sleep, and the next thing i know we are off to Genting ….


Off to Genting with my family..


Reached Gohtong then my sister saw Genting Strawberry, Leisure Farms and she wanted to go :)


So we went after our lunch…

Genting Strawberry

Strawberry Fountain

Everything got to do with strawberry :/


Feel free to come here :P

Well is not only strawberry there is tomato, cucumber, red & yellow & green pepper as well but mostly is STRAWBERRY !!!!


Cherry Tomato

Japanese Cucumber

Green Pepper

At the strawberry farm

And then there is a place for us to pick strawberries, and the hunting begins !!


(:Strawberry heaven for my sis

My Cousin :D

Strawberries !!

Strawberry eat and go ~


Mushroom Farm , Flower Farm, Organic FarmBannedStory_image.png

*to be continued :)